Одним ранним утром в Нью-Йорке элегантная Одри Хепберн выходит из жёлтого такси. Одетая в чёрное платье от Живанши, она наслаждается круассаном, прогуливаясь мимо витрины магазина Tiffany & Co. Вы угадали: это начало Завтрака у Тиффани! Шесть лет спустя после выхода фильма в 1967 году Джордж Баланчин, соучредитель и балетмейстер Нью-Йоркского балета, следует по стопам актрисы. Наблюдая отражения первых лучей солнца на витринах ювелирного магазина вдоль Пятой авеню, он нашёл вдохновение для своего культового балета Драгоценности! Идея Баланчина заключалась в том, чтобы отдать дань уважения трём великим балетным школам (французской, американской и русской) в триптихе, превратив их в три драгоценных камня в ослепительной оправе. Три части разворачиваются следующим образом: Изумруды, Рубины и Бриллианты, исполняемые соответственно под музыку Форе, Стравинского и Чайковского.

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Jewels by George Balanchine: a dazzling exploration of dance streaming on medici.tv to the music of Fauré, Stravinsky, and Tchaikovsky

In the vast universe of dance, George Balanchine's three-part ballet Jewels shines like a precious gem. Thanks to medici.tv, the best classical music streaming platform, you can now experience this captivating work through video-on-demand or live streaming, no matter where you are in the world. The Jewels ballet is a choreographic masterpiece that is part of the repertoire of the world's greatest dance companies. Balanchine, a renowned choreographer, created a work inspired by the luxurious jewelry of New York's Fifth Avenue, paying homage to the great dance schools from around the world.

Enjoy George Balanchine's Jewels ballet streaming on medici.tv! 

Jewels consists of three distinct parts: Emeralds, Rubies, and Diamonds. Each part represents a different style and explores Balanchine's inspirations. In fact, Emeralds evokes the elegance and grace of the French Romantic school, while Rubies draws inspiration from the energy and audacity of Broadway musicals. Finally, Diamonds showcases the virtuosity of Russian dance, with excerpts from the music of Fauré, Stravinsky, and Tchaikovsky. Thanks to medici.tv, music lovers worldwide, whether dance novices or experts, can now immerse themselves in this enchanting world, with captivating performances by dancers revealing the beauty and power of Jewels. You will be amazed by the virtuosity of the movements, the perfect synchronization, and the emotional expression that shines through each step.

The greatest dancers interpret Balanchine's Jewels to the music of Fauré, Stravinsky, and Tchaikovsky on medici.tv, the best classical music streaming platform 

Enjoy the flexibility offered by medici.tv by choosing to watch the Jewels ballet live or on-demand, according to your preferences. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of each part and let yourself be carried away by the enchanting rhythms of classical music. Don't miss this unique opportunity to discover Balanchine's Jewels and visit medici.tv, the best classical music streaming platform, to explore its extensive collection of concerts and unique performances. Be captivated by the elegance of the movements, the creativity of the choreography, and the pure emotion emanating from each dancer. Whether you are a curious novice or a seasoned dance enthusiast, medici.tv is your ally in exploring the world of classical dance. What are you waiting for? Experience the magic of George Balanchine's Jewels and let yourself be carried away by this dazzling celebration of the beauty of dance and music.