Приходите и станьте свидетелями разворачивающейся части римской истории в L’Incoronazione di Poppea от Монтеверди, пионера первого оперного репертуара и автора знаменитой L’Orfeo, считающейся одним из первых произведений нового музыкального жанра. На протяжении своей жизни итальянский композитор не переставал новаторствовать, и он оставался не менее оригинальным даже в своей последней опере, L’Incoronazione di Poppea. Он черпал вдохновение не в мифологии, как это было принято, а в историческом контексте. Захватывающее либретто Джованни Франческо Бузенелло было вдохновлено Анналами Тацита, которые рассказывают о приключениях куртизанки Поппеи, решившей выйти замуж за своего любовника, самого императора Нерона. Готовая сделать все возможное, чтобы достичь своей цели, амбициозная куртизанка, кажется, закрывает глаза, если не аплодирует, макиавеллистским и аморальным поступкам. Но музыка Монтеверди, со своей стороны, искусно меняет перспективы и подчеркивает неразрывную связь между Поппеей и Нероном, а также глубины человеческой души.
Просмотреть записи «Коронация Поппеи»
Behold the legendary opera by Monteverdi, L’Incoronazione di Poppea, streamed on medici.tv
medici.tv is the best online platform for live streaming Monteverdi L’Incoronazione di Poppea (“The Coronation of Poppaea”), offering you a VIP ticket to the most famous productions with world-class artists captured in the best audio quality and HD video! Marking a great debut in the history of Italian opera, the celebrated partition by Monteverdi traces historical events, following the schemes of Poppaea—emperor Nero’s courtesan—determined to become his wife. Backing down is not in her blood, and while L’Incoronazione di Poppea seems, at first, to applaud immorality, it is at heart a celebration of love and human aspirations, not to say the nuanced staging of the human soul’s contradictory complexity!
A seat at the greatest music venues to watch Monteverdi’s L’Incoronazione di Poppea streaming on medici.tv
A selection of our live streamed performances of Monteverdi’s L’Incoronazione di Poppea are available for free to all registered users, and the rest can be unlocked with a subscription. Our live video events stream right to your living room from the most famous concert halls, and you can watch them on your biggest screens with AirPlay, Chromecast, and our new Roku app! Watch one of the first Italian operas that gave rise to a whole genre, including Monteverdi’s masterpiece L’Incoronazione di Poppea, with a libretto by Giovanni Francesco Busenello, performed by some of the best institutions of the world.
The greatest artists playing Monteverdi’s L’Incoronazione di Poppea on your #1 classical music streaming channel
Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643) was a composer of the 16th and 17th centuries. As sure as his long life extended across two centuries, his prolific activity fit in two artistic movements (long before Beethoven)! He largely contributed to the establishment of the operatic genre, notably with his L’Orfeo, considered one of the first operas in history. Many works by the Italian musician raise some perplexing historical and musical questions, L’Incoronazione di Poppea included. First of all, it may be that Monteverdi was not the score’s sole composer, but that it was altered by his peers. Answers can be elusive given the lack of information around L’Incoronazione di Poppea’s partition. It appears some fundamental performance and historical research is required, and that is why this opera is so interesting! Permitting a great deal of interpretive freedom, a wide range of realizations arises. Come and discover some of them on medici.tv, together with many concert versions of this legendary opera, by the best artists of our time!