В свое время Ференц Лист был известен своими композициями, но прежде всего своей виртуозностью! Обладая исключительно большими руками, которые позволяли ему исполнять очень сложные аккорды, он также был очень ловким и имел необычайную художественную чувствительность. Венгерский мастер оставил после себя одни из самых красивых произведений в репертуаре для фортепиано романтической эпохи. Его Второй фортепианный концерт, хотя и исполняется реже, чем его первый концерт для этого инструмента, является одним из его шедевров. С продолжительностью около 20 минут, он исполняется в одном непрерывном движении. Лист начал его сочинять около 1840 года и многократно пересматривал до окончательного создания в 1861 году под своим собственным руководством. Откройте его на medici.tv в интерпретациях гениальных артистов, таких как Даниэль Баренбойм в великолепном концерте под руководством великого Пьера Булеза...
Просмотреть записи Концерт для фортепиано № 2 ля мажор, S. 125
Stream Liszt's Piano Concerto No. 2 in A Major, S. 125 on medici.tv!
medici.tv is the premier online platform for streaming Liszt's Piano Concerto No. 2 in A Major, offering you the opportunity to experience it live, on replay, or as video-on-demand. Gain access to virtual tickets for the most exhilarating concerts featuring the world's top artists and orchestras, all captured in high-definition video. This piano concerto is one of Liszt's most iconic works, showcasing his remarkable talent and virtuosity as a pianist. Known for its technical complexity, Liszt's Concerto No. 2, S. 125 is considered one of the most challenging pieces in the piano repertoire, featuring intricate passages and fast movements that push even the most accomplished pianists to their limits.
Secure your seat at the finest venues to stream Liszt's Piano Concerto No. 2 in A Major, S. 125 on medici.tv
medici.tv offers the ultimate online platform for streaming Liszt's Piano Concerto No. 2 in A Major, providing live performances, replays, and video-on-demand options. Immerse yourself in unforgettable concerts featuring renowned artists and orchestras, all captured in stunning HD video. Liszt's Piano Concerto in A Major, S. 125 is expertly interpreted by celebrated pianists such as Daniel Barenboim, whose exceptional rendition has garnered international acclaim. For classical music enthusiasts and aspiring pianists, listening to Liszt's Piano Concerto No. 2 is a transformative experience that will inspire exploration of the romantic piano repertoire and beyond. Don't wait any longer: come and discover Liszt's masterpieces on medici.tv, the world's leading classical music streaming platform!
Experience the world's greatest artists performing Piano Concerto No. 2 in A Major, S. 125 on medici.tv, the premier classical streaming platform
Originally composed in 1855 in Weimar, Liszt's Piano Concerto No. 2 in A Major, S. 125 is a seminal work in the piano repertoire. Thanks to medici.tv, the foremost classical music streaming platform, discovering and appreciating this masterpiece has never been easier. With exceptional streaming quality and performances by renowned interpreters like Daniel Barenboim, Liszt's Piano Concerto No. 2 in A Major is an essential addition for all classical music enthusiasts and budding pianists. Even if you're new to classical music, medici.tv is the perfect platform for you. So What are you waiting for ? Explore the intricacies of classical music through precise chaptering and insightful synopses crafted by our expert editorial team. Embark on a journey to uncover the wonders of classical music on medici.tv, your favorite classical music streaming platform!