Феликс Мендельсон-Бартольди был немецким композитором эпохи романтизма, который внес значительный вклад в репертуар камерной музыки, особенно в форме квартетов. Он сочинил два трио, и вот первое: Трио для скрипки, виолончели и фортепиано № 1 ре минор. Произведение имело успех с момента премьеры в 1840 году, когда сам композитор исполнял партию фортепиано! Его игривый ритм, композиционная изысканность и чарующие мелодии делают его одним из самых доступных и признанных произведений Мендельсона. Откройте для себя этот шедевр, исполненный выдающимися артистами! Особого внимания заслуживает это исполнение Мартой Аргерих, Анне-Софи Муттер и Мишей Майским на фестивале Марты Аргерих 2021 года…
Просмотреть записи Трио для скрипки, виолончели и фортепиано № 1 ре минор, Op. 49 (4)
Enjoy Mendelssohn-Bartholdy’s marvelous Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano No. 1 in D Minor, Op. 49 streaming on medici.tv!
medici.tv is the best online platform for streaming Mendelssohn-Bartholdy’s Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano No. 1 in D Minor, op. 49 live, on replay or VOD, offering you a virtual VIP ticket to the most exciting productions with the world’s best artists and orchestras captured in HD video. Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy was a German Romantic composer who had a particularly prolific compositional output of chamber music, notably in the realm of quartets and sonatas. However, he also composed a few trios, including the celebrated Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano No. 1 in D Minor: one of his most appreciated scores!
A seat at the best venues to listen to Mendelssohn-Bartholdy’s Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano No. 1 in D Minor, Op. 49 on medici.tv
A selection of our programs is available for free for all registered users and the rest can be unlocked with a subscription, including Mendelssohn-Bartholdy’s Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano No. 1 in D Minor. Live videos, replays or VOD, stream right to your living room from the most renowned concert halls in the world, and you can watch our concerts on your biggest screens with AirPlay, Chromecast, and our new Roku app. No matter where you are in the world, you’ll be able to discover the most beautiful compositions of Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, including his Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano No. 1 in D Minor , performed by some of the best violinists, cellists, and pianists in the world.
The greatest artists of our time perform Mendelssohn-Bartholdy’s Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano No. 1 in D Minor, Op. 49 on medici.tv, the best classical streaming platform
The idea of composing a trio for violin, cello, and piano occurred to Mendelssohn as early as 1832. The German master completed the score of his Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano No. 1 in D Minor, op. 49 in 1839 before rewriting the piano part in the same year on the advice of a friend. During the four movements of the Romantic masterpiece that is Mendelssohn-Bartholdy’s Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano No. 1 in D Minor, the composer uses many compositional techniques that render the score both sophisticated and playful. Note in particular the marvelous counterpoint of the second movement. Discover Mendelssohn-Bartholdy’s Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano No. 1 in D Minor performed by sublime instrumentalists including Martha Agerich, Anne-Sophie Mutter, and Mischa Maisky!