Симфония № 5 ми минор, соч. 64 была написана Петром Ильичом Чайковским в 1888 году, почти одиннадцать лет спустя после премьеры его четвертой симфонии. Она состоит из четырех частей (1. Andante, 2. Andante cantabile, 3. Valse, 4. Finale) и построена на повторяющемся мотиве, «фиксированной идее», по словам композитора—технике, ранее использованной Бетховеном в его пятой симфонии и Брамсом в его третьей симфонии. Основная тема Симфонии № 5 — идея судьбы; как записано в блокноте композитора: «Введение: Полное подчинение Судьбе или, что то же самое, неизбежному предопределению Провидения. Allegro: I. Ропот, сомнения, жалобы, упреки к... II. Не лучше ли броситься с головой в веру? Программа отличная, если я смогу ее реализовать.»
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Enjoy Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op. 64 streaming on medici.tv!
For live, replay, or on-demand listening of Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 5, Op. 64, medici.tv is the best online platform that offers you a VIP seat to the most beautiful concerts featuring world-renowned artists, all in HD! On medici.tv, you will find some of the best interpretations of Tchaikovsky's compositions, including his Symphony No. 5, Op. 64, as well as his Piano Concerto No. 2 and the famous Nutcracker. What are you waiting for? Stream the finest musical productions of these immortal masterpieces of classical music: medici.tv gives you a seat in the best concert halls worldwide. Enjoy it whenever and wherever you want!
medici.tv, your front-row seat to the most beautiful concert halls to listen to Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op. 64
Some of our programs are available for free after a simple registration on the website, and by subscribing, you can enjoy our full catalog, which includes works by Tchaikovsky, including his Symphony No. 5 in E minor. In the comfort of your living room, enjoy live events streamed from the most prestigious opera houses in the world. Our content is available in live, replay, and on-demand formats, accessible from your phone through our website or iOS application, as well as on larger screens via AirPlay, Chromecast, and now Roku! You will have the freedom to enjoy the most beautiful interpretations of Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 5 in E minor, conducted by renowned maestros such as Lahav Shani, Andris Nelsons, and Daniel Barenboim.
The greatest artists perform Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op. 64 on medici.tv, the best classical music streaming platform
The composition of Symphony No. 5 in E minor represents a significant period in Tchaikovsky's career: it coincided with the creation of Eugene Onegin and the Violin Concerto in D major, as well as a tumultuous period marked by divorce and an attempted suicide. Thus, in Symphony No. 5, Tchaikovsky channels his emotions regarding the inexorable nature of destiny and the delicate balance of fortune. The Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op. 64 revolves around the recurring "fate" motif, which permeates the score like a rhythmic pattern, exerting its influence not only over the music but also metaphorically over the world itself. It is worth noting the thematic similarities between Symphony No. 5 and other compositions from this time, such as the Overture to Hamlet, suggesting the pervasive influence of this period on Tchaikovsky's entire body of work. Discover exceptional interpretations of Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 5 in E minor on medici.tv, the ultimate destination for classical music streaming, and immerse yourself in this masterpiece of Russian music. Elevate your listening experience on the finest platform dedicated to classical music!