Композитор Джузеппе Верди стал знаменитым за одну ночь, в Италии и за её пределами, благодаря своей третьей опере. На самом деле, 9 марта 1842 года в театре Ла Скала в Милане он создал свой шедевр: «Набукко». Разочарованный и огорчённый неудачей своей предыдущей работы (“Chi i bei dì m’adduce ancora”) и потрясённый чередой утрат, он вновь обрел надежду и вдохновение, читая текст либреттиста Темистокле Солера. Он решил написать патриотическую оперу, отражающую политическую ситуацию в Милане того времени под австрийским господством. Знаменитый хор еврейских рабов “Va’, pensiero, sull’ali dorate” ("Лети, мысль, на золотых крыльях" на английском) стал гимном свободы, известным и исполняемым по всему миру. Эта “музыка жаждущей души”—чувство, которое будет доминировать в следующих трёх операх Верди—полностью очаровала как критиков, так и публику благодаря своей драматической энергии, вместе с музыкальной эстетикой, унаследованной от романтической традиции бельканто.
Просмотреть записи «Набукко»
Stream Giuseppe Verdi’s opera Nabucco on! is the best online platform for streaming Verdi’s Nabucco live, on replay or VOD, offering you a virtual ticket to the most exciting concerts with the world’s best artists and orchestras captured in HD video. The aria “Va’, pensiero” from Verdi’s opera Nabucco has now become a universal hymn to freedom and patriotism, beyond any border and political limitation. This is the spirit of Nabucco! The plot tells the story of the biblical episode of the exile and slavery of the Hebrews in Babylon, along with their liberation. Come and discover some of the best interpretations of Verdi’s Nabucco: on, liberty is just a few clicks away! What are you waiting for?
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A selection of our programs is available for free for all registered users and the rest can be unlocked with a subscription, including Verdi’s Don Carlo. Live videos, replays or VOD, stream right to your living room from the most renowned concert halls in the world, and you can watch our operas on your biggest screens with AirPlay, Chromecast, and our new Roku app. Come and discover Verdi’s most beautiful operas, including Nabucco, interpreted by artists of the caliber of Benjamin Bernheim, Aleksandrs Antonenko, and Bryn Terfel.
The greatest artists of our time perform Verdi’s Nabucco on, the best classical streaming platform
Nabucco, whose original title is Nabuchodonosor, is without a doubt the most political work of Verdi’s repertoire. In fact, the work has become symbolic of Italian unification during the period called Risorgimento (“Resurgence”). In fact, through the situation of the Hebrews held captive in Babylon, the public in the premiere of Verdi’s Nabucco could see a distant echo of the Austrian domination on the North of the Bel Paese. Two years later (1844), in Bologna, the first patriotic protests finally took hold! During these riots, writing often appeared on the city walls: “W V.E.R.D.I.”, which was an anti-Austrian message, as it could be read as the acrostic of “W Vittorio Emanuele Re D’Italia” (“W Victor Emmanuel King Of Italy”)! Nowadays, the aria “Va’, pensiero…” is regularly perceived as the national anthem of the Republic of Italy. On, you can find some of the best interpretations of Nabucco, whenever you want, wherever you like!