Тристан и Изольда (на немецком Tristan und Isolde) — это опера в трех актах Рихарда Вагнера, премьера которой состоялась в 1865 году в Королевском театре в Мюнхене. Сюжет вдохновлен средневековой поэмой Тристан Готфрида фон Штрасбурга, которая происходит от истории о Тристане, рассказанной на старофранцузском языке Томасом Бритонским в XII веке. Однако Вагнер свободно адаптирует сюжет, наполняя его философскими аллюзиями своего времени, особенно идеями, заимствованными из философии Шопенгауэра. На самом деле, в письме, датированном 1854 годом, к Ференцу Листу, Вагнер пишет, что его встреча с великим философом раскрыла ему "живое и искреннее желание смерти". Неудивительно, что ария "Liebestod" (буквально "любовная смерть"), исполняемая Изольдой в ее сцене смерти, служит кульминацией этого преобладающего настроения. Эта ария знаменует собой вершину позднего романтизма, где тональность доведена до крайности.

Просмотреть записи «Liebestod», фрагмент из «Тристан и Изольда»

Listen to the Liebestod from the death of Isolde in Wagner's Tristan und Isolde on medici.tv

Whether you prefer live performances, replays, or video on demand, medici.tv is the ultimate online platform that offers you a VIP seat to experience the most beautiful concerts by world-renowned artists, all in high definition! Marking the tragic climax of Wagner's opera Tristan und Isolde, the Liebestod from the death of Isolde is an aria filled with the romantic and philosophical suggestions that haunted the composer. On medici.tv, you can find some of the finest interpretations of this aria, available for you to listen to wherever and whenever you desire.

medici.tv provides you with a front-row seat to the grandest concert halls, allowing you to immerse yourself in the Liebestod from the death of Isolde in Wagner's Tristan und Isolde

Some of our programs are accessible for free, and by subscribing, you can enjoy our complete catalog. Subscribing to medici.tv grants you a prime position to witness the most magnificent renditions of Wagner's Tristan und Isolde—including the Liebestod from the death of Isolde, be it in vocal or piano versions—on all your screens, anytime and anywhere you prefer. Our content is available through live broadcasts, replays, and video on demand, accessible from your phone via our website or iOS app. Moreover, you can stream it on your larger screens using AirPlay, Chromecast, and now Roku! You will have ample opportunities to relish the finest interpretations of Wagner's operas, such as Tristan und Isolde and the Liebestod from the death of Isolde. On medici.tv, you will encounter esteemed artists like Behzod Abduraimov and Jean-Philippe Collard, who beautifully interpret this masterpiece!

The greatest artists grace medici.tv, the leading classical music streaming platform, with their performances of the Liebestod from the death of Isolde by Wagner

Nobel laureate Thomas Mann elaborated upon Wagner's opera Tristan und Isolde, which includes the Liebestod from the death of Isolde: "Tristan reveals himself as deeply connected to the spirit of Romanticism [...] The night is the realm of all Romanticism; in discovering it, he has always identified truth within it, standing in contradiction to the illusions of the day. It is the realm of sentiment opposing reason." Wagner's words support this interpretation, emphasizing the exaltation of the irrational. In fact, in a letter to Mathilde Wesendonck, he described his work as "something terrible, capable of driving its audience insane." Furthermore, in the renowned Liebestod, the aria of Isolde's death as she surrenders herself beside her deceased lover, she sings: "Should I eagerly drink them, should I immerse myself in them?/Dissolve in the sweet, fragrant vapors?/Drown, disappear, unconscious/in the surging waves,/in melodious sounds,/in the soul of the world, in universal breath?/Supreme bliss!" as if she were praising death itself! On medici.tv, you will discover remarkable interpretations of the Liebestod from the death of Isolde!