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Thomas Adès, The Exterminating Angel


I: "You! Where d'you think you're going?"

I: "Camila, what do we do?"

I: "Ya ha ha ha ha ha"

I: "They’re here!"

I: "How strange! Lucas"

I: "No, I’ve never tasted it"

I: Ragoût Aria: “My friends, you must all forgive me”

I: "Here it is!"

I: "I’m just in time!"

I: "What was that?"

I: "What’s your name?"

I: "Tonight I feel marvellous"

I: "Francisco!"

I: "Brava Blanca"

I: "Why is nobody leaving"

I: "That went well, despite…"

I: "Our first night together"


II: "What the hell is happening?"

II: "How did you sleep, Leonora?"

II: "Gentlemen, quickly!"

II: Spoons Aria: "Forgive me, Lucía"

II: "But first, would any of the gentlemen"

II: "The butler’s strange resistance"


II: "Over the sea"

II: "There is a seriously ill man in the room!"

II: "We are lost"

II: "We must remain completely calm"

II: "Silence! I have an idea"

II: "I am happy…"

II: "I don’t want to die here"

II: "¡Consummatum est!"

II: "This is where the ocean ends"

III: "What can we do?"

III: "Water! Water!"

III: Obsessive Compulsive Ballet

III: "I can’t stand it anymore"

III: "I think they watch us from time to time"

III: "Leonora! My hand!"

III: "What is today?"

III: "Aah! Don’t touch me!"

III: "Quiet as a tomb"

III: "Edmundo darling"

III: "It’s very late, Yoli"

III: "Witches incantation"

III: "Wait! Don’t move!"

III: Leticia’s Song: "Zion, do you ask of my peace"

III: The Exit

III: Solemn High Requiem: "Libera de morte aeternam"

Thomas Adès's The Exterminating Angel

Calixto Bieito (stage director), Thomas Adès (conductor) — With Jacquelyn Stucker (Lucia), Nicky Spence (Edmundo), Gloria Tronel (Leticia), Anthony Roth Costanzo (Francisco) …



Thomas Adès — Libretto

Tom Cairns — Libretto

Calixto Bieito — Stage director

Anna-Sofia Kirsch — Set designer

Ingo Krügler — Costume designer

Reinhard Traub — Lighting designer

Bettina Auer — Dramaturgy

Program notes

Certain scenes contain content of a violent or sexual nature that some viewers may find objectionable.

"If you see one opera this year," wrote Anthony Tommasini of The New York Times in 2017, "make it The Exterminating Angel." Following that year's production at New York's Metropolitan Opera, which made headlines for the record-breaking high A sung by Audrey Luna in the role of Leticia, Thomas Adès's extraordinary opera has arrived across the Atlantic for its French premiere at the Paris Opera, conducted by Adès himself and staged by the provocative Calixto Bieito. A brand-new cast of vocal superstars is ready to inhabit the heightened mix of drama, horror, and comedy that made Luis Buñuel's 1962 masterpiece one of the most memorable of all surrealist films…

The aristocratic Lucia and Edmundo de Nobile (Jacquelyn Stucker and Nicky Spence) are hosting a post-opera dinner party where singer Leticia Meynar (Gloria Tronel) will be the guest of honor. But after the servants run off, the wealthy guests find themselves inexplicably unable to leave the house—and the claustrophobic, existentially fraught circumstances will expose the savage reality beneath their refined façades…

Photo © Agathe Poupeney / Opéra national de Paris

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