Fugo y misterio is a short piece by Ástor Piazzolla composed in 1968 that quickly became one of the most well-known and appreciated pieces of the Argentinian musician. Although it is often played on its own, the piece was part of María de Buenos Aires, a surrealist "tango operita" (tango opera) written in collaboration with poet Horacio Ferrer, recounting the death then subsequent resurrection of a young prostitue in Buenos Aires. However, the character of Maria is also the image of the tango itself, as well as all of Argentina as a whole. The suspended note upon which Fugo y misterio ends gracefully concludes the story of rebirth...
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Enjoy Ástor Piazzolla’s magnificent Fuga y misterio streaming on medici.tv!
medici.tv is the best online platform for streaming Ástor Piazzolla’s Fuga y misterio live, on replay or VOD, offering you a virtual VIP ticket to the most exciting productions with the world’s best artists and orchestras captured in HD video. On medici.tv, you can find some of the best performances of the most well-known and appreciated pieces of Ástor Piazzolla, including Fuga y misterio, but also Libertango and Oblivion, available to listen to wherever you want, whenever you want! What are you waiting for? Join us on medici.tv to listen to and stream Fuga y misterio!
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A selection of our programs is available for free for all registered users and the rest can be unlocked with a subscription, including Ástor Piazzolla’s Fuga y misterio. Live videos, replays or VOD, stream right to your living room from the most renowned concert halls in the world, and you can watch our concerts on your biggest screens with AirPlay, Chromecast, and our new Roku app. No matter where you are in the world, you’ll be able to discover the most beautiful compositions of Ástor Piazzolla, including his Fuga y misterio, performed by some of the best soloists and orchestras in the world, including Gildon Kremer and even the cellists of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.
The greatest artists of our time perform Ástor Piazzolla’s Fuga y misterio on medici.tv, the best classical streaming platform
Ástor Piazzolla's Fuga y misterio is a piece that synthesises the different cultural influences of modern Argentina: at the core of the tango lie elements of classical music, found in the use of the fugal form, as well as features of jazz in its instrumentation. Fuga y misterio, in fact, is written for bandeon, violin, double bass, and piano, but also for vibraphone, electric guitar, drums, and flute! And the mystery to which its title refers to is that of creation, diversity, and the presence of multiplicity that gives birth to beauty. Ástor Piazzolla’s Fuga y misterio is part of the tango opera María de Buenos Aires which tells the story of a prostitute who, after her death, gives birth to a daughter to whom she gives her own name, María. The composition is a parable that could represent the history of the tango itself, which over time has been able to reinvent itself and rise from the ashes. If the silver novelist Borges spoke in one of his works of “learning to die and taking care to be reborn,” Piazzolla seems to have adopted this adage with its prophetic tone.