Salome is a one-act opera composed by Richard Strauss, which premiered in Dresden on December 9, 1905. The inspiration for this opera, for which Strauss also wrote the libretto, originated from Hedwig Lachmann's adaptation of Oscar Wilde's play Salome, itself inspired by Gustave Flaubert's Herodias. However, it was the Viennese poet Anton Linder who recommended the theme to Strauss in 1903. At that time, the German composer was busy revising Hector Berlioz's Treatise on Orchestration, but his creative genius took hold of him!
The intricate interweaving of the solo voices in Strauss's opera makes it a colossal work with epic undertones, requiring 102 musicians for its performance, and this grandeur significantly contributed to its success. Right from its premiere, Salome was very well received by critics, and Strauss's work has never ceased to amaze his audiences!
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Enjoy Richard Strauss's enchanting opera Salome, Op. 54 streaming on!
For live, replay, or VOD access to Strauss's Salome, is the best online platform, offering VIP seats to the most beautiful concerts by world-renowned artists, all in HD! On, you'll find some of the finest interpretations of Strauss's most beautiful compositions, including the opera Salome, op. 54, as well as Der Rosenkavalier and the symphonic poem Also sprach Zarathustra, available to listen to whenever and wherever you want! brings you front-row seats to the finest concert halls to listen to Richard Strauss's Salome, Op. 54
Some of our programs are available for free after a simple registration on the site, and by subscribing, you can enjoy our full catalog, which includes the repertoire of Richard Strauss, including his famous opera Salome, Op. 54. From the comfort of your living room, immerse yourself in events broadcast live from the world's most prestigious opera houses. Our content is available in live streaming, replay, and VOD, accessible from your phone via our website or iOS app, as well as on your larger screens via AirPlay, Chromecast, and now Roku! This way, you'll have the opportunity to enjoy the most beautiful interpretations of Strauss's Salome, op. 54, performed by world-renowned orchestras such as the Orchestra of the Opéra national de Paris or the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra!
The greatest artists perform Strauss's Salome, Op. 54 on, the finest classical music streaming platform
The biblical tale of Salome recounts the story of a young girl so exceptionally talented and mesmerizing in her dance that King Herod of Judea is willing to grant her any wish. When asked, her response is grim: "I want you to give me, right now, the head of John the Baptist on a platter." Given this context, Strauss's opera could not help but scandalize the 20th-century audience, and the protests of soprano Marie Wittich—originally intended to perform the titular role in Strauss's opera Salome, Op. 54—were indicative of the time. Initially, the singer adamantly refused to take on the role, exclaiming, "I will not sing that! I am an honest woman!" and she even insisted on having a double for the Dance of the Seven Veils scene. However, this dance has now become the opera's most renowned and frequently performed orchestral segment, solidifying Strauss's Salome's well-deserved place in the world's most prestigious concert halls! Enjoy the most exquisite renditions of Richard Strauss's opera Salome, Op. 54 through live streaming on!