
Шимановский, дирижирует Энтони Вит

Варшавский филармонический оркестр

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Национальный оркестр и хор Польши

Хенрик Войнаровски — Хормейстер

Варшавский филармонический оркестр

Антоний Вит — Дирижёр

Рафал Бартмински — Тенор

Ян Кшиштоф Броя — Пианист

О программе

Superbly filmed for Polish Television, Antoni Wit's performances of Karol Szymanowski's third and fourth symphonies embody the distinguished and idiomatic conducting style for which he is widely recognised.

An outstanding communicator, Wit exhibits exceptional attention to detail in his rendition of these two great works, recorded while Wit was principal conductor or the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir.


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