Корелли, Телеманн и Рамо под управлением Жорди Саваля
Концерт духовной музыки времен Людовика XV
Ансамбль « Le Concert des Nations »
Энрико Онофри
Риккардо Минази
Исабель Серрано
Паула Вайсман
Санти Ауберт
Анджело Бартолетти
Джованни Де Роза
Балаж Мате
Антуан Ладретт
Ксавье Пуэртас
Пьер Амон
Марк Хантай
Йи-Фен Чен
Ксавье Диас-Латорре
Михаэль Берингер
Педро Эстеван
О программе
Jordi Savall and the musicians of the ensemble Le Concert des Nations perform works by Corelli, Telemann and Rameau.
During the 18th century emerged the notion of public concert. For the first time, people could buy an entrance ticket and gather to attend a musical performance of the highest quality within a concert hall or an opera house. This modern practice of musical consumption emerged simultaneously in the United Kingdom, in Italy, and in France, where the most famous organization was the "Concert spirituel."
Inaugurated on the 17th of March 1725 in Paris, the Concert spirituel played an important role on the European musical scene. During 66 years of activity, from 1725 to 1791, the greatest composers and greatest performers were invited to present their latest works of show off their virtuosity: André Campra, Louis-Nicolas Clérambault, François Couperin, François-Joseph Gossec, Jean-Joseph Cassanéa de Mondonville, Antonio Rosetti or Joseph Haydn, to name but a few.
Through work composed by Corelli, Telemann and Rameau, Jordi Savall and the musicians of the ensemble Le Concert des Nations explore the rich repertoire bequeathed by the Concert spirituel which bears witness of the elegance of the Parisian cultural life during Louis XV's reign.