Соната № 5 является одной из самых любимых сонат в репертуаре Бетховена, наряду с известной "Крейцеровой" сонатой. Она была посвящена графу Морицу фон Фрису, покровителю композитора, который также был адресатом Симфонии № 7 и других произведений. Соната для скрипки и фортепиано № 5 фа мажор, Op. 24 обычно называется "Весенней" сонатой, хотя это название она получила не от своего композитора, а благодаря радостному, жизнерадостному духу, который от нее исходит. На самом деле, третья часть этой сонаты — это Скерцо (что означает "шутка" на английском), которое заменяет менуэт, предпочитаемый Моцартом и Гайдном в их собственных сонатах.
Просмотреть записи Соната для скрипки и фортепиано № 5 фа мажор, Op. 24, «Весенняя» (8)
Experience Beethoven's Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 5 in F Major, Op. 24, "Spring" streaming on medici.tv!
To listen to Beethoven's Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 5 in F Major, Op. 24 "Spring" live, replay, or on demand, medici.tv is the best online platform that offers you a VIP seat to the most beautiful concerts featuring world-renowned artists, all in HD! On medici.tv, you will find some of the finest works by Ludwig van Beethoven, including the Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 5 in F Major, Op. 24 "Spring", as well as his Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor, his opera Fidelio, the Moonlight Sonata, and many more. What are you waiting for? Join medici.tv, the premier classical music streaming platform, to listen to your favorite compositions!
medici.tv, your front-row seat to the most beautiful concert halls to listen to Beethoven's Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 5 in F Major, Op. 24, "Spring"
Some of our programs are available for free after a simple registration on the website and all you need to do is subscribe to enjoy our full catalog, which includes Beethoven's works, particularly his Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 5 in F Major, Op. 24 "Spring." From the comfort of your living room, immerse yourself in live events broadcasted from the most prestigious opera houses worldwide. Our content is available for live streaming, replay, and on-demand, accessible on your phone through our website or iOS app, as well as on larger screens via AirPlay, Chromecast, and now Roku! You will have ample opportunities to enjoy the finest interpretations of this classical masterpiece, Beethoven's Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 5 in F Major, Op. 24 "Spring", performed by renowned artists such as Renaud Capuçon, Elena Bashkirova, David Oistrakh, and many more. Discover them in our stunning archive videos!
The greatest artists perform Beethoven's Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 5 in F Major, Op. 24, "Spring Sonata" on medici.tv, the premier classical music streaming platform
Dedicated to Count Moritz von Fries, who was a patron of Beethoven, Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 5 in F Major, Op. 24 is known as the "Spring" Sonata, as it manages to capture a sense of colorful blooming movement after movement. The first movement is an Allegro, with its serene theme contrasting the technical boldness of the Adagio, which combines high technical virtuosity with a song-like form. Then, a Scherzo in the style of Haydn precedes the final Rondo, which brings together the supple harmonies of the Allegro, the gracefulness of the Adagio, and the finesse of the Scherzo! Discover all the colors of spring in Beethoven's Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 5 in F Major, Op. 24: let's see if the rose has bloomed on medici.tv!