Фредерик Шопен сочинил значительное количество прелюдий в своем обширном фортепианном репертуаре. Особенно примечателен его цикл Прелюдий, Op. 28, состоящий из 24 произведений, охватывающих все мажорные и минорные тональности всего хроматического ряда, и представляющий собой внушительную коллекцию наряду с его тремя другими прелюдиями № 25, Op. 45 в до-диез миноре, № 26 в
ля-бемоль мажоре и незавершенной № 27 в ми-бемоль миноре. Многочисленные прелюдии Шопена задали прецедент и придали смысл новой тенденции. Польский автор превратил общую вводную музыку в уникальные, небольшие по размеру драгоценности, каждая из которых вызывает точную эмоцию и конкретную музыкальную идею. Это было настоящим прорывом, вызовом музыкальным вкусам его времени! «Даже сами по себе 24 Прелюдии обеспечили бы Шопену право на бессмертие», — заявил биограф Джереми Николас!
Просмотреть записи 24 прелюдии, соч. 28
Unleash Chopin’s Préludes, Op. 28, streaming on medici.tv
medici.tv is the best online platform for live streaming Chopin’s Préludes, Op. 28 offering you a VIP ticket to the most famous productions with world-class artists captured in the best audio quality and HD video! It is, no doubt, the best place to relish in musical marvels, like Chopin’s Préludes, Op. 28! Composed for his lover, the writer George Sand, during a retreat to Majorca due to health problems, his 24 Préludes surpass any historical and personal precedent, achieving an everlasting fame. Discover (and rediscover) this Chopin’s eternal masterpiece, among many others great pieces, on medici.tv in any place and at any time!
A seat at the greatest music venues to watch Chopin’s 24 Preludes, Op. 28
A selection of our live streamed performances of Chopin’s Préludes, Op. 28 are available for free to all registered users, and the rest can be unlocked with a subscription. Our live video events stream right to your living room from the most famous concert halls, and you can watch them on your biggest screens with AirPlay, Chromecast, and our new Roku app! Watch one of Chopin's most celebrated works, his Préludes, Op. 28, performed by some of the best pianists in the world, such as Vladimir Ashkenazy and Grigory Sokolov.
The greatest artists playing Chopin’s 24 Preludes, Op. 28 on your #1 classical music streaming channel, medici.tv!
Welcomed by an enormous success to their publication in Paris in 1839, Chopin’s Préludes were composed during his stay in Mallorca in the company of the writer George Sand, where he went to treat his chronic tuberculosis. The result was a musical paradigm shifter, composed and received with mixed feelings, partly melancholic, partly joyful. It was no accident that, according to Chopin’s last will, the Prélude No. 4 was interpreted on organ for his funeral—as if, during its composition, he had put in it part of his soul. Although, not all understood the intention behind these 24 little pieces of introductory music, some less than a minute, as Schumann testified, “these are [...] sketches, the beginnings of studies, or, if you will, ruins; eagle feathers in a rag-tag jumble.” But Liszt may have had the right instinct, stating, “they are poetic preludes, analogous to those of a great contemporary poet, who cradles the soul in golden dreams.” Come and discover all the colors of Chopin: on medici.tv—the first classical music streaming channel—you can find many great interpretations of his Préludes, Op. 28, whenever you want!