Электра, Op. 58 — это одноактная опера немецкого композитора Рихарда Штрауса с либретто писателя Гуго фон Гофмансталя (также либреттиста опер Кавалер розы и Ариадна на Наксосе). Произведение представляет собой современное переосмысление одноименной драмы Софокла, повествующей о событиях после возвращения царя Агамемнона из Троянской войны. Его жена, Клитемнестра, убивает его, чтобы жить со своим любовником и править городом Микены. В тени дети королевской четы, Электра и ее брат Орест, поддаются жажде мести, стремясь восстановить репутацию своего отца. Чтобы музыкально изобразить мрачные атмосферы Электры, Штраус прибегает к мощной и диссонантной оркестровке: настоящий шедевр, который, наряду с другой его ранней оперой, Саломея, предвосхищает экспрессионистский период!

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Enjoy Richard Strauss's opera Elektra, Op. 58 streaming on medici.tv! 

Whether you want to listen to Elektra by Strauss live, in replay, or on-demand, medici.tv is the best platform for streaming classical music, offering you a VIP seat to the most beautiful concerts featuring world-renowned artists, all in HD! On medici.tv, you will find some of the best interpretations of Richard Strauss's works, including Elektra, Don Juan, Till Eulenspiegel, and Also sprach Zarathustra. What are you waiting for? Watch the most stunning musical productions of these timeless opera masterpieces. On medici.tv, you can enjoy them whenever and wherever you want!

medici.tv guarantees your front-row experience in the most magnificent concert halls for listening to Richard Strauss's Elektra, Op. 58

Some of our programs are available for free after a simple registration and by subscribing, you gain access to our complete catalog, which includes numerous works by Richard Strauss, including the opera Elektra. From the comfort of your living room, indulge in live events directly streamed from the world's most prestigious opera houses. Our content is available through live broadcasts, replays, and video on demand, accessible from your phone via our website or iOS app, as well as on larger screens through AirPlay, Chromecast, and now Roku! You will have the opportunity to fully enjoy the finest interpretations of Elektra by Richard Strauss, in productions directed by renowned artists such as Patrice Chéreau and Dmitri Tcherniakov.

The greatest artists perform Richard Strauss's Elektra, Op. 58 on medici.tv, the best platform for streaming classical music

Elektra is an opera by Strauss that tells the story of Agamemnon's daughter seeking vengeance: her father was the legendary commander of the Greek troops during the Trojan War. It immediately recalls a statement by the Italian intellectual Furio Jesi: "Mythological materials are merely texts to which a qualification is mistakenly attributed due to the wrong choice of method, as one remains hypnotized by one of their many possible interpretations." It is not surprising, then, that the character of Elektra, in the hands of the father of psychoanalysis, Freud, became a symbol of a psychological complex. In fact, Elektra represents an atavistic passion: a daughter's love for her father, which, in its pathological manifestations, transforms into hatred for her own mother. Thus, Strauss's Elektra continues to resonate, revealing the depths of our souls through its dark atmospheres and neurasthenic arias. Enjoy the most exquisite operas by Strauss on medici.tv: listen to Elektra whenever and wherever you desire!