Il Trovatore впервые был представлен в 1853 году в Театре Апполло в Риме, и его успех был мгновенным. Как написал музыковед Джулиан Бадден: “Ни в одном другом произведении, даже в Nabucco, Верди не затронул сердце своей публики в такой же степени.” На самом деле, наряду с Rigoletto и La Traviata (которые составляют его “популярную трилогию”), Il Trovatore является произведением, занимающим место в пантеоне Золотого века Джузеппе Верди. И все же, во время написания своих шедевров, проблемы продолжали возникать, начиная со смерти его либреттиста Сальвадоре Каммарано в 1852 году, которого позже заменил Леоне Эмануэле Бардаре. Вдохновленный драмой Антонио Гарсиа Гутьерреса El Trovador, сложный сюжет Il Trovatore Верди разворачивается в XV веке в сказочной версии испанских провинций Бискайя и Арагон, где ведьмы, трубадуры, цыгане и принцессы оживляют одну из самых популярных опер, когда-либо написанных.
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Stream Giuseppe Verdi’s opera Il Trovatore on! is the best online platform for streaming Verdi’s Il Trovatore live, on replay or VOD, offering you a virtual ticket to the most exciting concerts with the world’s best artists and orchestras captured in HD video. In Greek and Roman theater, there exists a conventional structure called “anagnorisis,” or the “scene of the recognition,” according to modern narratologist experts. You can find many examples of this codified scene in productions by Menander and Terence. Moreover, the narrative scheme of Il Trovatore shares certain features with one of Terence’s comedies Adelphoe (or Brothers), except that in Verdi’s opera, the scene of recognition leads to a tragic end…
A seat at the best venues to discover Verdi’s opera Il Trovatore streaming on
A selection of our programs is available for free for all registered users and the rest can be unlocked with a subscription, including Verdi’s opera Il Trovatore. Live videos, replays or VOD, stream right to your living room from the most renowned concert halls in the world, and you can watch our concerts on your biggest screens with AirPlay, Chromecast, and our new Roku app. No matter where you are in the world, you’ll be able to discover the most beautiful operas of Verdi, including Il Trovatore, conducted by musicians of the caliber of Zubin Mehta, Claudio Abbado, and Riccardo Muti. What are you waiting for?
The greatest artists of our time perform Giuseppe Verdi’s Il Trovatore on, the best classical streaming platform
The most intriguing character of Verdi’s opera Il Trovatore is without doubt the gypsy Azucena. It is not accidental that Verdi declared: “it is a key role, it is the key role.” Having lost her mother as a result of the Count of Luna’s decree, sending her to the stake under the charge of witchcraft, she plots her revenge: pretending to have thrown her enemy’s son into the fire, she secretly raises him as her own. The truth comes out in the last act and Azucena, the real heroine of Verdi’s Il Trovatore, shows all her tragic grandeur. Not only does she prophecies her revenge like a real witch, but she sacrifices her own life to achieve her goal. Watch out, you have fallen into Azucena’s trap! On, come and discover some of the best interpretations of Giuseppe Verdi’s Il Trovatore.