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Master Class in the Land of the Rising Sun

Around a Beethoven Sonata

Master class


Georges Pludermacher — Teacher, pianist

Program notes

Georges Pluderchmarcher, pianist of world renown, is not only a musician capable of sonorous power and digital virtuosity, but also someone who knows how to penetrate the musical page, enter into its intimate nature and elegantly bring out the dramatic force or the panache that it harbours between the lines.

An accomplished musician, in the film we see him invited in 2003 by the Académie Française de Musique of Kyoto, where he works one a youthful Beethoven Sonate with a young Japanese student: the Sonata in A Major, Op. 2 No. 2. Despite the difference in language, he is able to guide her and provide her with the keys to the work: through signs, gestures, looks, or by humming, he gives her advice and corrections… - Back to

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