
«Приключения лисички-плутовки» Яначека

Андре Энгель (режиссёр-постановщик), Деннис Рассел Дэвис (дирижёр) – С Еленой Цаллаговой (Лисичка), Полом Гэйем (Харашта)

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Андре Энгель — Режиссёр-постановщик

Ники Риети — Художник по декорациям

Элизабет Ноймюллер — Художник по костюмам

Андре Дио — Художник по свету

Хор Национального театра оперы Парижа

Алессандро ди Стефано — Хормейстер

Оркестр Парижской национальной оперы

Деннис Рассел Дэвис — Дирижёр

Елена Цаллагова — Быстроушка

Юкка Расилайнен — Лесник

Мишель Лагранж — Жена Лесника

Давид Кюблер — Директор школы

Роланд Брахт — Пастор

Пол Гэй — Браконьер Гарашта

Ханна Эстер Минутилло — Лис

О программе

Elusive and always insolently free, even when the forester chains her up and the schoolmaster in his inevitable cups believes he is pursuing Terynka, this little vixen is a will-o'-the-wisp whose flashing russet, wherever it blazes, revives the smart of their ancient desires and departed loves in the hearts of men. In a community living as close to the natural state and its prodigies as it is imaginable to be, no other creature better personifies the life-force which demands that we accept the implacable cycle of Nature, encompassed between the extremities of birth and death.

Leoš Janáček's The Cunning Little Vixen was described by its composer as "a comic opera with a sad ending." It is a profoundly poetic tale for which the composer wrote some wonderful, life-enriching music that is magnificently orchestrated. "His music is quite simply overwhelmingly moving," says André Engel, who, working with an outstanding cast, directed a new production of this fascinating work for the Paris Opéra.

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