Концерт для виолончели № 1 ми-бемоль мажор, соч. 107, был написан в 1959 году Дмитрием Шостаковичем. Произведение было посвящено другу композитора, выдающемуся виолончелисту Мстиславу Ростроповичу, который выучил его всего за четыре дня перед первым исполнением под руководством Евгения Мравинского с Санкт-Петербургским филармоническим оркестром. Написанный в традиции Прокофьева с его Симфонией-концертанте для виолончели, Первый виолончельный концерт Шостаковича считается одним из самых сложных произведений в виолончельном репертуаре.
Просмотреть записи Концерт для виолончели № 1 ми-бемоль мажор, Op. 107
Enjoy Shostakovich's Cello Concerto No. 1 in E-flat Major, Op. 107 streaming on medici.tv!
Whether you want to listen to Shostakovich's Cello Concerto No. 1 live, replay, or on-demand, medici.tv is the ultimate online platform that provides you with a VIP seat to the most exquisite concerts featuring world-renowned artists, all in high definition! On medici.tv, you will discover some of the finest interpretations of Shostakovich's compositions, including Cello Concerto No. 1 in E-flat Major, Op. 107, as well as his Symphony No. 5 and Cello Sonata, Op. 40. What are you waiting for? Immerse yourself in the captivating musical productions of these timeless classical masterpieces. medici.tv offers you a front-row seat in the world's most magnificent concert halls. Enjoy the experience at your convenience, whenever and wherever you desire!
medici.tv ensures your front-row experience for Shostakovich's Cello Concerto No. 1 in E-flat Major, Op. 107 in the most stunning concert halls
Some of our programs are available for free with a simple registration, and by subscribing, you gain access to our complete catalog, including the works of Shostakovich, particularly his Cello Concerto No. 1 in E-flat Major, Op. 107. From the comfort of your living room, indulge in live events directly streamed from the world's most prestigious opera houses. Our content is available through live broadcasts, replays, and video on demand, accessible from your phone via our website or iOS app, as well as on larger screens using AirPlay, Chromecast, and now Roku! You have the freedom to relish the finest interpretations of Shostakovich's Cello Concerto No. 1, performed by renowned musicians such as Marc Coppey, Gautier Capuçon, and Steven Isserlis.
The greatest artists perform Shostakovich's Cello Concerto No. 1 in E-flat Major, Op. 107 on medici.tv, the premier platform for streaming classical music
The Cello Concerto No. 1 in E-flat major was composed specifically for cellist Mstislav Rostropovich, who mastered it in just four days (you can find his legendary performances in our astounding archive videos). The concerto consists of four movements: 1. Allegretto, 2. Moderato, 3. Cadenza, 4. Allegro con moto. Similar to Shostakovich's Violin Concerto No. 1 in A minor, the work revolves around the renowned "DSCH" motif, a musical anagram of the composer's name. This motif is developed throughout the Cello Concerto No. 1 in E-flat Major, op. 107, incorporating modulations, chromatic scales, and even musical phrases from Mussorgsky, ultimately concluding with seven timpani strokes. Come and explore Shostakovich's musical genius in his Cello Concerto No. 1: medici.tv offers you the opportunity to stream some of the finest interpretations of his works!