Don Juan, Op. 20 is a symphonic poem by Richard Strauss which premiered in Weimar in 1889, when the composer was only 25 years old. And yet, the work is by no means juvenile, nor frivolous, in its reprise of the legend of the libertine par excellence (just think of Mozart’s Don Giovanni as a reference); on the contrary, the frenetic research for the perfect woman slowly leads Don Juan to despair—the despair of an inevitable defeat—and the loss of all will to live. Besides, the poet Nikolaus Lenau, whose verses inspired Strauss’ Don Juan, went mad shortly after writing his poem, as if he had interiorised all the negative existential charge of the character Don Juan…

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Stream Richard Strauss’ Don Juan, Op. 20 on! is the best online platform for streaming Strauss’ Don Juan, Op. 20 live, on replay or VOD, offering you a virtual ticket to the most exciting concerts with the world’s best artists and orchestras captured in HD video. On, you can find the best pages in Strauss’ production, such as Don Juan, but also Salomé, and An Alpine Symphony, conducted by renowned musicians such as Tarmo Peltokoski, Herbert von Karajan, and Sir George Solti. What are you waiting for? On, the best interpretations of Strauss’ work are waiting for you. Let yourself be conquered by the timeless charm of Don Juan

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A selection of our programs is available for free for all registered users and the rest can be unlocked with a subscription, including Strauss’ Don Juan, Op. 20. Live videos, replays or VOD, stream right to your living room from the most renowned concert halls in the world, and you can watch our concerts on your biggest screens with AirPlay, Chromecast, and our new Roku app. Come and discover some of the best interpretations of Richard Strauss’ Don Juan, Op. 20 on, whenever you want, wherever you like! What are you waiting for?

The greatest artists of our time perform Strauss’ Don Juan, Op. 20 on, the best classical streaming platform

In contrast to Mozart, who made Spanish writer Tirso de Molina’s story a long opera in two acts (his famous Don Giovanni), Richard Strauss made it a symphonic poem lasting around 15 minutes. Don Juan is one of the first symphonic works by the composer (preceding Till Eulenspiegel, Also sprach Zarathustra, and also his major operas, such as Der Rosenkavalier); and yet, Don Juan already shows Strauss’ perfect mastery of the art of composition. Musicologists Bryan Gilliam and Charles Youmans wrote that Don Juan gives proof of “a dazzling orchestration of very distinctive themes, of a unique structure.” The writer Carl Dahlhaus, for his part, has identified in Don Juan’s structure “the musical symbol of modernism of the end of the century!” And thus, the joyless libertinism of Don Juan becomes the symbol of modernity mesmerized by the seductive glow of material goods… Come and discover Richard Strauss’ Don Juan on!